Blowin' in the wind
Callin' out my name
Like a long lost friend
Oh, I miss those days
As the years go by
Oh, nothin' sweeter than summertime
And American honey
//Lady Antebellum
After our fun few days in Maine, we can home to the start of my favorite month- July, and all of the holiday activities that go with it. Unfortunately for me, I had a big wedding on the 4th of July in the Cape, so I had to squeeze as much fun out of Friday and Sunday as possible. I went to my favorite place, Pleasure Beach, to soak up some sun!
Target had some AWESOME fourth of July inspired bathing suits this year, so I definitely had to buy one and debut it for this weekend.One of the neighbors very nicely made me these coconut cupcakes after I commented on her Facebook posting of the recipe. It was a total surprise and so kind! If anyone knows me, they know I love my sweets.
I made my way up to Springfield to await Nick's return from week 2 of the Fire Academy.
Rocking my Nton Fire Department hat, of course!
Since we were all pretty tired from the week, we decided to have a low key night in the backyard with a few friends, as well as my brother and his girlfriend Lindsay. Lindsay had recently bought a projector off of Amazon and we figured what better night to try it out! We first displayed it on the white siding, and although the picture and color was great, it was a little distorted because of the siding. Linds also brought her Mom's BOSE speakers and the sound was amazing! Definitely need to invest in a Bose one of these days.
We soon decided to hang a white sheet from the gutters, and that's when it got REALLY good! It was SO awesome and we can't wait to do an outdoor movie party night with our friends and fam. We fittingly watched JAWS, as it takes place the same week of the 4th of July and is just an all around great summer flick and a true classic.
This is also a special weekend as it is the anniversary of my Grandparents wedding! They married on July 4th, 1950! Check out this awesome photo from their wedding day with my Grandpa rocking the white tuxedo. I so deeply wish they were both still around, and I think about them and miss them every day. I always get a little sad when I photograph weddings and see that the bride and groom still have all of their grandparents. I hope they realize how lucky they are to have them there on their wedding day.
Sunday, after a long and tiring (but beautiful!)wedding day on Saturday, it was right back down to the beach to soak up every minute of sun and relaxation! If you'd like to see our photos from the July 4th wedding, check them out here!)
We saw a tall ship off of the coast, an early arrival for the Tall Ships Festival that would be taking place the following weekend.
Nick got to come to the beach with me! So happy to have him down there in my favorite place, especially since it was the only day we would be able to see each other all week.
I of course had to rock the American flag suit again in honor of the weekend! Happy Birthday America! I hope everyone had a great 4th of July with their families and friends. It's such a fun Holiday as it's one of the only summer holidays so there is a chance of nice weather, and you don't have to get gifts for anyone or anything!
After 4th of July weekend, it was back to a long week at work, but with a very anticipated weekend up ahead! Sailfest! My favorite weekend of the year! It's when everyone descends on the shoreline for the big tall ships festival and annual fireworks show on the Thames River in New London. I have gone for as long as I can remember and it is a weekend full of nostalgia and great childhood/teen memories. It was shaping up to be a beautiful weekend weather-wise, and even better was that Nick got to come down for the whole time! I headed down to the shore right from work on Friday, to be greeted by my favorite people and a beautiful setting sun.
The neighbor Captain Dan took my cousin Jen and I out on a boat ride. It's been so long since Dan has taken just the gals out on a trip- he used to do it every year! So it was a nice treat and surprise. The sun was shining and the air was warm and salty blowing in our hair.
Captains Dan's friend was also down visiting for the week- and he so happens to just be the owner of this here HELICOPTER that he lands and parks on the front lawn! Talk about arriving in style!
I think I could get used to this lifestyle.....
We grabbed some drinks and all sat and floated by the dock while watching the sun set.
Sweet Rudder the black lab!
Just as the sun was setting, Nick arrived down at the shore!
Jen and Nick getting into some serious convo.
This is only a tiny sampling of the number of photos Nick took of Jen and I. I think he held down the shutter button for a good 15 seconds and it took about 83 photos of the exact same thing.
When I finally realize what he is doing.....
That boy.... he's trouble I tell ya.
It was a great summer night just relaxing by the water and the fire pit.
The next morning we were up bright and early to head over to the marina for a day on the boat. We were going to go to Block Island for the day to eat, swim, and play. The neighbors and their friends had taken the helicopter over to Block Island earlier that morning to have breakfast. MUST BE NICE, I know. They were on their way back while we were on our way out, so my Aunt Joanne was on the phone with Dan trying to get them to locate where we were. Soon enough, we heard the rumble and looked up as the helicopter swooped right over the top of the boat and made a circle around back of us and then started to trail us. It was SO awesome and we were all waving and taking pictures. They followed us for a good five minutes, and all of the others boaters must have been wondering what the hell was going on. He was hovering right over us and it was pretty darn cool.
After about an hour and a half ride, we had made it to Block Island! It was a gorgeous day out , and we could not have asked for better weather.
We anchored in New Harbor, and then took the shuttle boat into the dock to have lunch at a famous little place called The Oar. It's right on the water and has great views.
View from our table on the lawn. Not too shabby. They also have corn hole sets out on the lawn, so we played a few rounds of that as well, which was fun.
The water taxi is so cute! It is a preppy girls dream as it's covered in Vineyard Vines and Alex and Ani decals.

While we were waiting for the shuttle, a little boy was crabbing with his family. We all watched and cheered him on as he reeled in some nice crabs. He was super cute and really excited about his catch.

Next it was time for some serious fun in the sun and hanging out on the boat. We all climbed up to the bow and laid out to catch some rays.
Squad Goals!
My cousin Lindsey and her boyfriend Mike!
Lindsey and her coworkers/roommates, Carolina and Jeff. They all work together at TJX Corp- talk about a dream job!
Nick and I!
The GoPro is really good at getting selfie's, especially of large groups since it has a really wide angle.
Mike was CONVINCED he wasn't in this photo, but this proves him wrong! You can't escape the Gopro.
Love these photos of us on the bow of the boat. We were all having so much fun!
You can't NOT jump off the boat on a hot day! We decided to put the GoPro on the timer mode and Jen was able to take some sweet shots of us all doing a group jump into the shark infested waters.
We all got the memo, except for sweet Carolina who hesitated and then couldn't commit.
These pictures are pretty funny with everyone hvaing jumped off except her! It appears I was also a little slow on the uptake.
Woo hoo! She is the only smart one of the bunch. No Great Whites for Carolina.
These navy reclining boat chairs are AWESOME, by the way.
Finally, after some convincing, she got the courage and made the jump!
Next, Lindsey, Nick, Jeff and I decided to do another four person jump together off of the side of the boat. Mike was able to get it all on the GoPro. I love all of the bright colors!
You jump, I jump.
Apparently, boys dive and girls jump. Is that a thing? A telling metaphor maybe?
After some swimming around, we were back on the bow to drink some beers and hang out. Lindsey took hold of the GoPro and got some good shots.
When you can't figure out how to make it stop.....
The bride-to-be! My cousin Jen! Can't wait for her wedding this October.
Nice jump, Jeff!
The water was really warm, so it was perfect for floating around on a noodle. Unless of course, you couldn't get the thought of sharks out of your head, like myself. Maybe watching Jaws the week before wasn't the best of ideas.
A sweet video of Nick, Linds and I jumping off!
I did manage to get enough courage to swim around for a bit with Gus the Gopro.
Me and my sweet boy having some fun in the water!
He is only so sweet though, until I start to take too many pictures....
AND THEN THIS HAPPENS! Evidence, my friends. Evidence.
I love all of the ocean and beach colors in these GoPro photos.
A nice look at the Happy Ours from the water. It's such a pretty boat!
Love this one of my Aunt and Uncle (Godparents) on the back of the boat! They are the best and I love them so much!
All of us "kids" on the bow just soaking up the sun and drying off before it's time to head back.
One last jump into the water before it's time to lift the anchor!
This is the life!! In the dead of winter, this is the exact moment I will be having dreams of! Having such awful winters up here makes us really really appreciate these warm weather days of summer. I never want it to end!
Until next time Block Island!!
We made the trek back home to the marina, and had to rush back to the house to eat and change quickly. We had to be back on the boat by 7pm in order to get out into the river to get a spot and drop anchor for the Sailfest Fireworks that night. We made it just in time and all loaded back onto the Happy Ours just as the sun was setting,
When you don't have a cupholder.
Sailfest is my favorite weekend of the summer!
We were all having a great time, just laughing and joking and drinking some beers while playing card games.
There were HUDNREDS of boats out, and some people were having some serious parties on them!
Love these pictures of Nick and I! Thanks Uncle Ben for the photo bomb, and for taking us out on the boat!
The whole gang!
The only one missing is Jen's Fiancé Doug, who had to work that day but would be down later on that night.
It was getting darker by the minute, and the fireworks were set to start right around 9:30. It was a new show this year by a new famous fireworks family. It has always been the Grucci Brothers, but this year it was being put on by a new company. It is sponsored by the casino and the Pequot's, and is one of the largest shows in New England. It's always spectacular and they put the whole show to music, which is really cool. You can hear all of the boat radios echoing the same songs, and everyone singing aloud. The sounds carries really well off the water, so it's pretty cool to hear!
It's hard to get a clear shot with the GoPro at night unless you have a tripod, but I thought this one came out pretty cool even though it's blurry!
After the National Anthem, the show finally started! It's so cool to be watching them on the water from a boat. Your feel like you are right underneath it! The pictures don't even do it justice.
They were so bright and beautiful! I love the ones that rain down slowly.
Some neat close ups of the blasts! How can you not love a good fireworks show?!
This is the life.....
Hooray! It was a great show and did not disappoint.
Sweet cousin! Best friends since birth!
My blue eyed boy!
The TJXers!
After the fire works we were all pretty tired from a long day in the sun, so we hit the hay pretty early on. We woke up to another gorgeous day on Sunday, and right to the beach we headed. We did not want to waste a single minute of this awesome weekend.
I must have smeared some sun tan lotion on my phone, because these pictures are a little foggy!
After the beach, Nick had to take off in order to get home and get ready for another long week at the Fire academy. I decided to stay down through dinner, because why would you ever want to leave this view any earlier than you had to!?
One of the neighbors let us borrow his Stand-up paddle board, so I took a nice paddle from the hosue over to the sand bar.
The sand bar has changed so much over the years. Its completely different than how it was when I was a kid, and that was even different from how it was when my parents were kids! It has moved and shifted and grown and shrunk every which way.
And that's that! The end to my FABULOUSLY favorite weekend of the year!
Thanks for following along! We have been up to lots of other stuff this summer, so there will likely be another "random" summer photo dump type post up sometime soon. Hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather and sun shiny days to the fullest, before they are gone!
I love all of your pictures! I wish I could remember to take pictures all of the time. It's so cool that your boyfriend is in the fire academy, congrats to him! Dan is in the Glastonbury Volunteer Fire Dept and I think it's great :) I'm so happy you are having such a great summer!
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