What is normal for the spider
is chaos for the fly.
//Morticia Addams
Yes, I am well aware it is December 3rd, but I wanted to still post about our Halloween Party we hosted at our house on Halloween night. I have been away the past couple of weeks on a glorious trip to Hawaii and didn't get a chance to write about it beforehand, so better late than never I suppose! This party idea came about between my brothers girlfriend and I just about a week before Halloween. We knew we had little time, but when we commit to something, we really commit! When we got back from Vermont the four of us went out and got pumpkins and carved them late Sunday night. We listened to spooky music and it was fun to see what each other came up with.
Mike telling us his pumpkin is "oh, wow, so healthy" because of all his seeds....

Lindsay's and mine.

Our party was planned for Friday night but I also had a party to go to with Nick on Saturday night, so we decided on two different costumes. Friday night at our party we were going to be 90's skiiers, and on Saturday we would be bandits. I bought some canvas bags and got to crafting our money-bags for our bandit costumes during the week. It was a fun craft and I think they came out pretty good! We rob banks in eco-friendly style.
We also hit up numerous stores for Halloween decor and totally lucked out at Christmas Tree Shop by going shopping two days before Halloween. Everything was cheap to begin with and then they had a sale of 50-75% off all Halloween decor that day! We literally bought over $100 worth of stuff and only paid $20 each after the sale and a coupon that I had. If you ever want to plan a holiday party, wait to buy your stuff at the last minute, definitely worth the savings!

Friday came fast and it was decorating time! Lindsay was a big help and we got it done pretty fast. I even made sure to Spookify my Moms "BELIEVE" sign...!
We made the dining room the center of attention and decided that we would put all the snacks and punch in that room after turning the table sideways to the back wall.

Candy for the kiddos! My neighborhood easily gets 150 to 200 Trick-or-Treaters every halloween, it's crazy! We had to have about ten bags in preparation.
On our breezeway I decided to make an Instagram background for people to use at the party and post their pictures with the hashtag #burroween! I used some small nails and strung orange lights in a zig zag pattern over them. I then hung a creepy cheese cloth from the party store over it and added some fake spiders. It came out pretty good for a last minute idea and it was a hit at the party!
Mike and Linds testing it out for me... it ended up looking much better at night and in the app!

Here are some photos of the house all decked out before everyone started to arrive. We even changed all of the lightblubs to orange, red, green and blacklight to add to the Halloween ambiance.

Everything was ready, time to get into costume!
Here we are as 90's skiiers, tacky as can be! My ski suit was a total score on Craigslist for $15, and even came with a ski tag on the zipper from Okemo from 1999! Nick got his off of eBay as well. I got the headbands at Walmart for $2, and the glasses and fanny packs on amazon for about $5 each.
Totally rad and ready to hit the slopes!
Lindsay's Sister Carly and her Boyfriend Alex were the first to arrive as Charlie Chaplin and a zombie peanut!
We made a punch and froze ice water in rubber gloves for frozen hands. The only bad thing was that the alcohol in the punch melted them too quickly!
My beautiful gypsy Lindsay! She looked SO good! The costume was amazing and she put it all together herself. She could barely breathe being tied into the corset all night but who needs air anyways?!

Ready to celebrate one of my favorite holidays!
Dan and Chels as Curious George and The man in the Yellow Hat, another AWESOME home made costume! They looked so good. I absolutely love when people make their own costumes, they always turn out the best!
The beerpong started up on the porch!
Caramel apple and orange creamsicle jello shots!
Me with the bloody surgeon Kev. Lindsay's Mom works at the hospital and was able to get him legitimate surgery scrubs.
Me and my brother who was practically unrecognizable as Chong from Cheech & Chong. My Mom and Aunt literally didn't know who he was when they saw him!
Evan and Brenna as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- another GREAT home made costume! They even had their shells and respective weapons, I loved it!
Mike and Linds in the IG booth! #BURROWEEN
Nick and I!

Mike has become friends with Nick's cousin Dan and they dominated the table for most of the night! They definitely have the same mind and similar humor, they are too funny together.
The happiest shot-making man I have ever seen! Even though it took 4 tries to get this picture :-)
With my good friends Chris, as Peter Pan, and Sam, as Clark Kent/Superman.... two more awesome hand made costumes!
We had lots of fun hanging on the porch and partying into the night!
My Mom and Aunt actually ended up coming home, so a quick trip to the basement to visit them was in order! I am sure they will LOVE me for posting these pics!
Here is almost the whole group! We missed about 5 people who were either out back or had already left, but I just want to thank everyone for coming, we had a great time!
Sandee even made it into this one! She looks so happy...
And here is puppy Elle just loving all of the attention!
Chris, I promise not to tell anyone you are wearing a KBE jacket in this photo! ;-)
Alisa looking great as an Italian Gondolier! Such a great night with a great group. I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!!
Saturday I was feeling less than stellar but was able to recover just in time for another Halloween party with Nick that night at one of his friends houses. Our bandit costumes came out great and they were SO comfortable! I got the hats at Bobs for $5, made the bags for about $4 each, got the masks for $1 each at Party City, the shirts were the biggest expense but they are something we can wear again (I already have in fact) at $20 from Joe Fresh. We had the pants and converse already!

There was even another burglar at this party, but he was more of an espionage-type!
They went absolutely all out with decor at this party as well, it made out party look sparse! Everything was decked out to the nines and it really looked spooky and so well done.

I have always loved Halloween and really haven't gotten to celebrate like this since my college days. It was a really fun weekend and I loved our costumes and getting to dress up for a few nights. It's fun to be something you aren't sometimes! Sorry to deter you from the Christmas spirit for a bit but you can get back to hanging stocking and stringing lights now! I have a couple *thousand* photos to edit from Hawaii before I can start posting about the trip, can't wait to show you them and describe the amazing time we had! I am still on a Hawaii High..... and I don't want it to go away! Stay warm everyone!
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