and you will never have to work a day in your life.
Don't get me wrong, I really do love both of my jobs, but there comes a time in the year where you really just need a break. Between wedding season being in full swing and working my regular 40 hours during the week I was SO excited to have a three day weekend of no work. It is so rare for me not to have a wedding on Labor Day weekend, I don't think I have had it off once in the last 8 years. I was looking forward to a nice relaxing and fun weekend without too many crazy activities. Looking back I kind of realized I had a Labor Day WEEK, as I was down at the shore for almost all of the week "dog and house" sitting for my Aunt and Uncle. I was also out of regular work on Wednesday and worked from home on Thursday leading up to the three day weekend, so it really almost felt like I had an entire week to relax. Nick came down to see me during the week, he brought me a Starbucks bright and early and we made a nice breakfast of bacon, eggs and mimosas! It was shaping up to be beautiful day, I showed him around the new house and then we sat on the dock for a bit sipping our mimosas.
I'll give you onneeee guess who destroyed their perfectly good over-easy's with an ungodly amount of Ketchup? One guess.
We then had a paddle boarding session planned on the Niantic River. We headed over to Three Belles Marina and did the two-hour paddle. It's such a good workout! We ended up going a couple of miles up the Niantic river, made a pit-stop at Sandy point, and then headed over to a 25 foot rock ledge where we jumped off and swam a bit. The weather was so perfect and the water in the river was super warm. We hit a little head wind on the way home which made it extra tough on the arms but it was worth it! We had the best time just paddling and chatting and being so happy that it was a beautiful summer day.
After the paddleboard we headed back to the house and grabbed towels and a cooler and headed right down to PB. It was one of the best beach days of the year. Not a cloud in the sky and super warm. The ocean was calm and it was low tide, just perfect. We sat and relaxed all afternoon, ate grinders and drank a couple beers and had a nice long swim out to the raft. Could not have asked the beach-Gods for a better day!
Once we got back from the beach we sat out on the dock for a bit for happy hour and listened to some music. It was still so nice out, it was just one of those days where you didn't want to be inside at all. My favorite kind of days.
Lovin the Summertime! (You can't even see Nick's eyes, but you can just tell they are closed)
As soon as the sun started to set we decided to have dinner at The Dock restaurant in Waterford for some good ole fried seafood. It's a cute place right on the mouth of the Niantic river overlooking the marina. They have fake palm trees set up so it actually really looks like you are in Florida. We ended up posting an Instagram photo to try and trick people and it worked!
I hadn't eaten there in probably a couple of years, but the food was really good! We had Rhode Island Clam chowder, fried clam strips, and coconut shrimp all to share. It was delish! Not too over battered and the coconut shrimp was awesome.

Here is our "fake" Florida pic. ;-) It really does look like it!
What better thing to do after dinner in the summer than go for Ice Cream?! I decided to take Nick to my favorite place down on the shore, Michaels Dairy at Mitchell College in New London. We took a nice, long and slow drive through the backroads of Waterford on the way there. I was able to point out tons of Waterford "spots" and stories from growing up. Since it played a such a huge role in my life and growing up, it's so nice to be able to show the ones you love the things that mean so much to you. Michael's Dairy has the best home made ice cream, the flavors are so rich and delicious, and it is all served very old-school ice cream parlor style.
Coffee ice cream with chocolate shots- THE BEST! (What do you call them? Sprinkles? Jimmies? Shots?)
I was really sad that Nick had to leave that night as he had to work at the hospital the next day, but we had such a great day down at the shore! I woke up the next morning to work from home and as I was eating my breakfast minding my own business I heard that loud wobbling sound again. Sure enough, I look out the window and the helicopter is landing on the front lawn. Only something you would see at Dan's house!
I had a pretty quiet day at the house to myself to work with the beautiful ocean view. I love that my job allows me to work from home once a week, it's one of the many reasons why I love the company I work for. My cousin Jen got down from Mass right around the time where I was able to sign off from work, so we decided to soak up the last bit of the day and float out on the raft in the Cove for happy our. Our neighbor Colin stopped over to float with us so it was nice to catch up with him as well. He lives in NYC in Battery Park but his family has owned a house on Jordan Cove forever. He is going into his senior year at Wesleyan in CT and he is a great kid all around.After our float I went with Jen to meet with her perspective wedding photographer at Starbucks in Colchester. We decided to make a dinner out of it and stopped at one of our old faves, The Plum Tomato for some food. Our two families used to meet there for dinner all the time growing up as it was the half-way point between our two houses.
Back in time to enjoy the last little bit of daylight and sunset!
Friday I went into work until 3 and was able to get right back down to the shore by 4pm. It was the start of a glorious three day weekend! I hadn't had three days off of work in so long, so I was really excited. My Aunt and Uncle came back from their trip, and my other cousin Lindsey came down for the weekend with 7 of her friends from work. I had met most of them when they came down the year before for Sailfest, a great group of polite and fun people! Friday night turned out to be a super-fun night, and pretty much became an all out Jordan Cover block Party. I counted and at one point there was 25 people at least! We all hung outside, played corn-hole and had a glorious happy hour with wine and appetizers.
My Aunt Joanne got me this super cute Nantucket tee from her trip as a present for watching the dogs and house!
Queen Lindsey! One of the smartest, most driven people I know. She is going to go so far, I just know it! She just started work at TJX Corp a few months ago, and I give it 5 years before she's running the place!
We could tell from these early pictures that it was going to be a great sunset, but little did we know just HOW GOOD it would get.
My BFF! SO excited to be a bridesmaid in Jen's wedding next year. 25 years of friendship and family!
The gals spectating on a couple rousing games of corn-hole!
I can't wait until my Aunt Joannes gardens are in full-swing next year! The house was finished too late in the season this year to really start anything, but next year I am sure it will be amazing.
And here we have it, by far the best sunset of 2014. The pictures are un-edited. SO BEAUTIFUL! Everyone just stopped and stared for a good ten minutes, cameras out, phones out, just snapping away and ooh-ing and ahh-ing.
You can even see the little sliver of a moon off to the left.
Photos of people taking photos of the sunset. Everyone was going crazy over it, coming out of doors and windows, it was pretty funny.
We had a nice big dinner with everyone and then headed outside for some fires and late night fun. We played some games and all sat around chatting and laughing. It was a great night and lots of fun, it felt like a big summer party!
Attempting to teach Dan how to play flip-cup. Not very successful.
The next morning I headed back home as I had a big special dinner planned for Saturday night at The Golden Lamb Buttery. I am going to do a separate blog post on that since it was such an affair, so there are no pictures of Saturday for now! On Sunday after the dinner I woke up bright and early and headed back down to PB with my Mom as the whole gang was going to Greenport Long Island on my Aunt and Uncles boat for the day. We got to the marina around 10 and it was looking like a cloudy day at that point, but any day on the water is a good day! How cute is this vintage boat? it was in PRISTINE condition and reminded us of Pop-eyes boat. I couldn't get enough of it, so cute.
Here is my Aunt and Uncles boat, the "Happy Ours". And believe me, many a happy hour has taken place aboard, it's always so much fun.
My pretty Momma sitting on the bow! She hardly ever gets a chance to come down and spend a day on the boat so I was really happy to have her there with me for once.
Cruising on over to Greenport! At one point a helicopter hovered over us and a guy was hanging out of the door taking pictures of us like paparazzi. It was pretty funny. Pretty sure it's a scam to get you to buy super expensive pictures.
We made it to Greenport! We always dock the boat right at the famous Claudio's restaurant. We usually eat there every time we go and today was no different. Table for 11!
And by drinks I mean we all each got the $12 jug of Voodoo juice. All you need is one. I don't usually like fruity drinks but it was actually really good. Claudio's is really fun in the summer, they always have lives bands and dancing and it gets pretty packed.
Mom got herself a Voodoo juice as well!
My Mom and Aunt Joanne- best friends since my Mom was 2! Love them both so much.It also happened to be my Uncle Ben's birthday, so we used lunch as a celebration for him as well! Happy Birthday Uncle Beastie! thanks for being our Captain for the day! We love you!
After lunch we all took a little stroll around Greenport town center and did some shopping. They have really cute stores and clothing and gift shops.
I loved the old-school cash register at the Marine Supply Store. And obviously I love the wall art- kiss my Ash!
I hope to be this lady one day. Strolling around by my yacht wearing all white and a straw hat, my little dachshund at my side.
Soon it was time to get back on the boat as the day ended up turning out FABULOUS. It was so sunny and warm, what a difference an hour boat ride makes. We wanted to anchor out in the harbor to jump off the boat and swim around for awhile before heading back to CT.Bye Claudio's! So sad when you know you probably won't be back somewhere for at least another year...
Here is Linds, nicknamed the "Cruise Director" since she was a little girl, and she totally fit the part that day! Her and her Dad used the headset to communicate when she was on the bow to drop anchor, but it was too perfect not to get a picture as it suits her so well. She has always been the one to run the show!
We all slathered up with sunscreen and headed over to neighboring Shelter Island harbor to drop anchor. The water was 80 degrees! Shelter Island is one of the richest places in NY. There are literal Mega-yachts lined up at the docks, and if you Google any of the boat names its like "Oh, that one is owned by the Sultan of Brunei.." "This one is owned my a Moroccan Prince". It's just unreal money. The houses are anything but small either, sprawling estates just line the coast.
We all jumped in and had a blast swimming off the boat and around the harbor. The water was so warm so it was nice to be able to stay in without getting cold.
I had quiet the crowd staring as I made the jump! No pressure though...
My mom and Aunt in the water! I made sure to tell them Jaws was right underneath them the entire time.
Best buds!
I got a pretty cool shot of Courtney's boyfriend Charlie exactly as he was upside down doing a flip off the boat!
My Mom and I! So fun to have her with me and to get to spend the day together in our favorite place.
The night before and day drinking started to catch up with everyone so it soon became nap time on the bow.
A great group of friends! Lindsey is lucky, it is great when you really get along with your coworkers, I know from experience, it makes all the difference.
Spying on cute lil Mommy.
After another hour it was time to head back to CT! We had a big Labor day cookout planned for that evening.
The boat cabin down below.
Time to pack up and head off the boat. Another great day on the Happy Ours.
Couldn't leave without snagging a few more pics of Pop-eyes boat.
Not a bad view to wake up to every morning!
It was a huge party again for dinner, we all had a nice big cookout of hotdogs and hamburgers and local corn and sides.
I love taking night shots where there is just the right amount of blue still left in the sky. I always try to remember to do it for wedding venue night shots but sometimes it's too late. There's only like a ten minute period where it's the perfect deep shade of blue but still enough ambient light to get a good, glowing shot.Love the new house! It's so beautiful, and still reminds me of the old house in some ways which is nice.
After dinner we had cake and presents for Uncle Ben's birthday.
And then it was early to bed as we were all tired from the last couple days of festivities.
Woke up in the morning and was ridin' dirty in my Step-Dads Infiniti to get some coffee's. I sent him this pic. He didn't approve.After Linds and all of her friends left I went with my Mom and Aunt to get our nails done. They ended up getting pedicures and I just got a manicure.
Barf. I literally hated the color the second it was finished. Barbie Pink is just not my style. I was trying to go with something that would compliment my tan and not be dark to represent the looming fall season. Just wasn't me! Nothing a giant mimosa on the dock couldn't cure.
We decided to go for a Whaler ride as the last thing to do before we left. Aunt Joanne drove and took us over to Niantic and under the drawbridge into the river. It wasn't too rough and was really fun to have the salty air blowing through our hair.
A nice view of the new house from the cove.
Momma and me! Thanks for driving Aunt Joanne!
Passing by Sunset ribs, a fun spot on weekend nights in the summer.
And then passing The Dock Restaurant where Nick and I ate a few nights prior.
We even passed by our neighbors on their boat with their black lab!
And then on the way back we swung by our favorite place ever, PB.
The neighbors lab Rudder is too cute, he LOVES the water and will hang out on his own float for hours! Its so funny to watch him just be so relax and chilled out by himself on the float.
A dog's life...!
Merica! Happy Labor Day!
All in all it was an amazing weekend fileld with family and friends. It was really nice to spend a couple days with just my Mom as it's not usually just the two of us! Although I love Labor Day Weekend, I am always a little sad because it somewhat signifies the end of summer is before us. Until next time PB! Stayed tuned for my next post about Saturday nights trip to The Golden Lamb Buttery!
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